Makeup show for TT! Enjoy!
Probably my best show to date! I got to do a few ding calls! Thanks for everyone who hung out!
Here at 101.1 we would like to give a big thank you! I appreciate all the support lately! Thanks for anyone who subcribed to my yt channel! Thanks for all the prankcasters who take the time to catch my show, chat in my chat, send .gifs, /fake ban people, participate in skits, hell even thanks to anyone who trolls a bit. It's all love. Huff Gas, Eat Ass! 101.1 The Butt. We're the shit, and we know it!
I am busy listening to my cd of Devon noises for 6 hours straight.
Do it motherfucker! 😘
Possibly my best show all year. Thanks for all the support, and for all the new patreons! Huff Gas, Eat Ass! 101.1 The Butt!
My work schedule is FUCKED this week, so I am gonna take off. Thursday slot will be open. Also, I never mind if you overlap with my time slot. Thanks to all the new followers, patreons, and thanks for all the support on here! Huff has, eat ass! Listen to 101.1 THE BUTT!
I fill in for IceCat on sa Sat night! I do a buncha diff premises, fearcast marathon, music, commercials etc.
Dogs debuts the clipped version of the crazy lady I got on Thursday Throwdown! I play a few more clipped calls!
Dogs starts an onlyfans, gets a crazy to call him back 2x, plays a few calls, jam some interesting music, etc.
Dogs is outta town this week! Here is some funny stuff
Going to visit some kin in Dallas. Will def make up for it!