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Prank call shows, with friends
Creators: Broadcast live audio shows, get discovered and notify fans when you go live. Listeners: Discover great shows and get notified when your favorite creators are live.
Show Schedule
In The Loony Bin
Weekly on Sunday
8pm-10pm MDT
A special, LIVE presentation hosted by Airhead and possibly a guest. Enjoy a night filled with mischief, mayhem and good tunes! as your host airhead does live prank calls for you to enjoy with your ear holes.
A wholesome and refreshing evening show, best paired with a delicious glass of choccy milk. A fun show where I try original premises and social engineering to funny effect.
Fraink Katz, Sr proudly served his country in WW2. Now he's ready to settle down with Ms. Right. Listen in as this charming, and mildly demented AI calls up strangers looking for love.
Despicable Dog's ringing phones power hour, Nooobody talks like that!, Ron Hu, etc.. Despicable Dogs weaves hilarious well-thought-out premises into a prank call tapestry of chaos, comedy, and creativity. Top this off with his signature skit writing, audi
A community-based prank call show with a rotating host every week. Join us in the World of Prank Calls Discord server if you'd like to join in on a call.
The worst prank call show ever! Everything is made up and the points DO NOT MATTER. Check out the Dial Trolls podcast! Live on Prankcast Saturdays Afternoon/Evenings