Prank call shows, with friends

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Someone was flipping the switches at IceCats power company, and IceCat lost power 20 minutes before show time. Thankfully Dr.TomServo was dressed as superman, and saved the day. Ice Cat took over the stream. So go here for the first half of the show.

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Tonight Gary And Dwayne Talk

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AI friends

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What is the collective? It's a group of prank call enthusiasts both seasoned and new, getting together and making the phone lines light up! Hosted by various prank callers via The World of Prank Calls discord server voice channel, we open up the lines and give you a chance to reach out and touch someone!

HERE IT IS!!!!! The official debut of The Callective!! Edited by yours truly! This is technically the second episode (The first on wasn't recorded as it was more of a test run). In this episode we hear…

@420cat make his first live on-air prank calls, by huffin butts and driving motorcycles in the hotel halls.
@King Poisson Hammerd some dead stuff out of the walls and then cried a little about pooping in the pool.
@rozin tried to buy Party City's signage and then got trapped in some clothing.
@GreenImp kept the Christmas spirit alive with some fun Santa themed calls
@iregretjumping found a bowling ball in his food.
@Airhead had problems with the toilet going down.
@CrieFaux introduced us to the Ham Man
@AndyAnderson voiced his concerns about private information and the chat modderation for the hotel.
@DispicableDogs Made sure socks were pulled up, talked to Marissa.
and @IceCat hosted and made the calls go!

The biggest fun though was when Ira asked everyone to unmute and ask the front desk a question. The calls were super short, but so much fun! We ended the show by doing more group calls, but this time DespicableDogs led everyone in song. Thus, The Callective Chior was born!

Keep en eye out on the World of Prank Calls Discord and for future announcements when The Callective will be going live! We encourage all to come by and listen or step up to the receiver and join in on the fun!

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This is a clip form a few shows ago, where I talk to a man about birdhouses, boy scouts, and then I sass-battle his wife. Oh and we learn the cooked opossum tastes like p***y.

Too Short, Didn't Listen:

Just a bit of a back story. I called this guy about having boy scouts come to put up a birdhouse in their yard (Thanks to @Lackey for the premise). They hung up on me after a while. I moved on, but they didn't. They called me like 4 more times over the course of 10 minutes or so. I didn't answer because I couldn't catch it in time. I tried to call, but got their voicemail, where I learned this man hunts opossum. So I naturally I had to try to call back.

I talked to him and he stared in on the mom jokes and I ran with it. We were almost done and his wife jumps in and asks a question. She for sure wore the pants in the relationship, and started getting sassy with me. trying to gaslamp me, We duked it out for a while and then the man joins back in. 2 on 1, not fair! I got the claws out though, and fucked some shit up. Police Dad! Please! Who do you think you're talking to here?? Johnny Firsttimer?!

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I did a show last night, so no show tonight.

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Notice! This show contains awesome bird noises 🦃🐔🐄

Second Notice! It also contains an hour or so of pre show record spins.

Third Notice! This show also have 4 guests, 2 of whom I have never done calls with, but you already know that because you can read.

Now that that is out of the way let's get down to the meat of the show. This show is all about the turkeys. GreenImp sets up an awesome premise where he asks if we can baste our turkey in the pool/hot tub.

Then we ask about bringing turkeys into the hotel which make people stop to ponder is it a live turkey or a dead turkey?

GreenImp cries about having to slaughter his prize turkey. And we out my cousin who identifies as a turkey.

Ionlysmile joins in and we pass the phone around as a traveling band and our manager AndyAnderson helps clear things up.

Andy inquires about the parking lots health statistics, but the front desk guy just "works there" and is no help.

Group bird noises take flight as GreenImp make sure his flock is secure and DogLettuce sneaks in at the very end and flicks a bunch of switches.

Huge thanks to all my guests who joined! I'm so thankful for all of them and all of you! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanks to @CrieFaux for joining me! Zoo Crow!

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