



This was one of the most fun show I have done in a while! We had new comer Xerox on who did a KILLER job with calls! I also had Bojack and Ionlysmile on and I love doing calls with both of those hilarious hooman beings!

We played some music to get the show going and IceCat did some warm up calls (or were they cool down calls?) Then Ice opened up mumble and had some issues, so the gang moved to Skype and IceCat finally learned how to not leave the group chat….well sort of. Bojack and Ice dialed numbers and we asked about service animal policies at hotels and diners. Chaos ensued when we did a mass call to 3 different hotels at the same time. Smiles made us apologize to a gay hotel man, and then Bev made him angry. Xerox asked about doing some ChristianTibetian throat singing. Smiles got robbed and maced. Bojack clogged the toilet with Peanut Butter, and IceCat played the part of toothless wife who wanted to help her husband get sone ice for his organs.

Thanks to IgnatuisRiley (sp?) for his help keeping the calls going. Be sure to go follow all the guests I had on tonight because they are all hilarious!

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After Devon finished he show, I decided to do a bedtime show. I got a few good calls in. I got someone to explain the 4th of Juy. Thanks to Luapo for all the numbers!

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I have been feinding to do a show for the last few days, and couldn't wait till Sunday. So I did a show on Friday, and I was joined by my friends Devon Anustart, GretaGarbage, CrieFaux, and DespicableDogs. I think that's all of 'em. I mean people who were on the show. I have more friends than that. But if I didn't and those were my only friends…those are some pretty solid people to be friends with IMO.

In this episode I start pranks quickly as the Zoo Crew and Devon saw the prank symbol in the sky. We start by calling some tradios and leave a lot of silly voicemails. We ask people about uncle kisses and what those feel like. Then we try to get more sugar for devon, We do round robin with calls and have some giggles and switch over to hotels. CrieFaux tries to buy a car in a hotel parking lot, we call movie theaters and IceCat gets replaced. A guy asks us why we are pranking him and if we are lacking in chicks to hang out with. We talk to a hotel guy who give us some good stuff to clip (Tub Guy, Shower Dudes), We have some fun with Voicemod (Deep Steve, Baby Greta, and whatever amazing character CrieFaux does). Devon gets stined and stares off into space, and Walter barks! IceCat never lets go and talks to Shrek. Make sure to listen all the way through so you don't miss CrieFaux's IceCat-Bot (Clap Clap Clap).

Alternate Titles for this show: Clap Clap Clap, Friday Night Prank Down (Feat. Devon And The Zoo Crew)

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The official best of IceCat! 2 hours of furrbuall fun! Enjoy and I love you all!

Download it at

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Taking the day off to finish some projects. I am getting close to finishing the Best Of IceCat Vol. 1, a 2 hour mix of some of my favorite calls with audio clips and music. The second project is finishing up the Gary's Greas Sticker! It looks rough as of now because there is no coloring, but I think it's going to turn out really well when it's all finished. I'll be back next week. Go listen to @DrTomServo do his show today! I know that's what I will be doingwhile I am working. This weekend has been great for pranks! Good to see DogLettuce and DialTrolls doing shows again.

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This lady was very patient. Kudos to her!

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