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Live show in progress!

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This is a damn good show! Started off with lots of ringing, but the calls were fun. Then DD drops by and the show got really fun. IceCat gets a guy to sing and plays a song about taxes and gas.

Thanks to @despicabledogs for being a co-host and to @Gordo for the research and song.

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Inspired by The @milkbox show, I do more baby battle calls.

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Just an FYI, IceCat has slid into a new slot…er time slot. IceCat has slid into a new time slot! Come get your fill on Saturday Nights with the Chill.

This commercial was made by the AMAZING Andy Anderson, who took the time out of his busy schedule training single dads to do voiceovers, to make this drop for me! I am truly lucky to have such creative, funny and talented followers come and hang out in my chats week after week. You, dear listeners, are why I keep doing my show. I can never say thank you and I love you enough! Now get back to work, and I hope we'll see you on Caturday! Woo!

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I'm washing my hair tonight.

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This is a short show inspired by the Donkey and the Doggy! I was surprised by how many calls I got in for only dialing residential numbers! There some good tune here too.

Static X - Push It
Sofi Tukker - Purple Hat
Pacific Gas And Electric - Stagolee
Snooper - Company Car
Phantasmic - I Turned Into A Martian (Misfits Cover)
Snare Guitar - Calculator
Spoonboy - All The Kids In Michigan

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In this episode IceCat and friends call car rental places. This was a fun show! Thanks to @despicabledogs and @Matthew4 for being my totally awesome guests!

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Another great show featuring the always hilarious Greta Garbage!

In this episode IceCat starts out by calling a lady about he bad parking job and ends us finding out that she knows Jesus personally. Then we call more places andask them about playing basketball in their parking lot. We talk to a guy who thinks he's better than Icy at basketball (and probably is), and we call a Taco Bell who is gonna bring chairs out of the dining room for us. Turns out Taco Bells are pretty open to the idea of a basket ball game in their parking lot.

Then we move on to Dick's Sporting Goods at the suggestion of a chatter, and ask about playing basketball in the store. Greta Garbage joins in and everything gets awesome as we do some short goofy calls that get hangups pretty quick for a minute before finding our premise. We start calling about jock straps for different sized gentlemen, ask to test out the jock straps and see if there is any sign of Dick in the building.

Ice plays a few new commercials, and ends things by calling a pastor who is gonna lie to the police.

Just another fun sunday on The Chill! be sure to go check out the Discord for a new Zoo Crew wallpaper and a new Cactus Strong wallpaper.

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The first Caturday Show! Pizza party!

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C-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! To quote our beloved Betty, "Sunday is for God and the family." So rather then be a heathun, The Chill is sliding back a day and bumping up the time slot. Hope to see you all there! Woo!

P.S. That picture is desptop wallpaper size, if your into that sort of thing.

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This is the start of the Oily Dipstick episode. I was testing out OBS, and well it's not properly configureated. You should just skip this and listen to the other 208 episode. If you do listen to this expect periods of silence and bad headphone sounds. You have been warned.

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