
An unplanned episode zero that ended up being a great stream!

First new calls starting: 00:42:10

Rotten freezer meats 00:42:10 to 00:47:02

Orgy footwork (high rise orgy flop) 00:51:49 to 00:53:03 (german crashes)

Rotten freezer meats calls me back 00:53:10 to 00:57:49 (someone took my meats)

Rotten freezer meats I call another store twice 00:59:00 to 00:1:06:00 (wrong freezer store, & took meats pt 2)

Fucking dumpster 01:17:30 to 01:18:46 (not taking it serious) (cheating with a dumpster 01:15:00 ish)

fucking dumpster 01:19:42 to 01:20:30 (thanks for letting me know)

Fucking dumpster calling them back 01:24:00 to 01:25:55

roboAlex fucks hotel dumpster 01:29:58 to 01:31:30

roboAlex fucks gas station dumpsters message by Patrick Katz 01:33:00 to 01:34:15

My son steals and defaces property at a gas station 01:38:00 to 01:42:00 (hilarious)

Indian man in my shower roboAlex 01:44:45 to 02:01:50 (an epic tale)

Oh God Bill hotel noise investigation 02:04:30 to 02:11:00

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