Creators: Broadcast live audio shows, get discovered and notify fans when you go live. Listeners: Discover great shows and get notified when your favorite creators are live.
Joined by Bojack and Greta
We test drive some lo-fi voice bridge 3-way callings and scream at some people as Jack Masterson impersonators.
First calls and Origin stories from different prank callers
Hour long NatNat call before she joined Prankcast (Bonus Content)
A massive thanks to everyone who checked out the compilation video, and to everyone who has subbed to the channel! You all rule!
Got co-host audio nailed down, then we tested the phone machines a bit off-air.
We did a bit of a clip show to start, listening to some clips of Turbo and Carlito calls. Made a few follow-up and hotel calls after that…
We explore some stores in Georgia and call Gumtree posts. Burned up some credits and annoyed a few people in the UK.
On this show I:
Thanks to:
Kathy, Terry and Betty confuse this lady in a classic mbots style.