Prank call shows, with friends

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Random sound check, that will make your private parts jump!

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This show was the most fun I've had in a long time. We:

  • called hotel front desks to congratulate them on winning a Clerky award plaque and got them to make acceptance speeches and sing the Clerky award theme song.
  • called more hotels to declare squatter's rights.
  • called bowling alleys to let them know we borrowed pins and balls for a bachelor party
  • called a pet store to see if our dog had finished shopping yet, since he was taking longer than usual.

Thanks to:

Word of the day: Belligerent

Hoo boy. Seriously, hope you all has as much fun listening as I did doing this show!

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Dialer canโ€™t find a decent headset, but manages to make a few Guam calls on speaker.

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calls start at around 2 minutes!

keeping it real with a few guests (anne frank, mrchowder, daftruffian, some scoundrel "matt" who is pretending to be me)
who reads these actually?

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In this episode I check things out. I check out how my new MIDI controller set up works with doing a bit of light mixing, I check out the taste of gas, and why ham is only served in one place! I also check ID's and get signatures.

On top of that I earn my "Weirdest Prank Call Ever" badge, and I make a lady real mad because she went outside.

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Fixed my settings! Letโ€™s go!

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Nothing to see here
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