



On this fun unscheduled episode I debut the new website for the Take-A-Wish foundation at

I then proceed to call on behalf of Take a Wish to:

  • pet stores, trying to grant a dying boy's wish to become a turtle
  • funeral homes, trying to grant a dying boy's wish to be buried alive
  • slaughterhouses, trying to grant a dying 4yo boy's wish to operate a band saw
    and more! Crazy show.

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This show will probably get me cancelled. It's DARK. I don't think I've ever gotten more "nobody has ever asked me that before" from one show than this one.

On this show I called:

  • mechanics to retrofit my car with a smuggling / trafficking compartment
  • mechanics, on behalf of the Take A Wish Foundation, trying to get them to retrofit a car to work like KITT from Knight Rider to fill a dying child's wish.
  • mechanics, to retrofit a car to explode, so we could use it in a modern viking funeral for dying kids
  • balloon stores, trying to help a dying kid tie hundreds of balloons to themselves. We also tried the same premise with a corpse and that was fine with them too.
  • balloon stores, trying to send a Chihuaha into the stratosphere with a bunch of balloons, for a Red Bull stunt. This was apparently perfectly normal.

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On this episode I call up hotels to:

  • gently break up with them
  • tell them I missed my period, what should we do?
  • tell them my uncle Dennis passed away.
  • tell them I need their help faking my uncle's death.
  • complain that a loose despicable dog is interfering with my efforts to spread my uncle's ashes all over their property.
  • ask for extra towels for the water birth we are planning in an inflatable kiddy pool their room
  • ask them for child support since we got pregnant there
  • ask if the drawer full of beans is complimentary
  • try to get a refund for an egg sandwich

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On this fun show (2 parts), @iregretjumping and @criefaux join as we call hotels and run a special trivia show called Inn-Telligence, where the front desk just needs to answer 3 simple trivia questions to win a pizza and ice cream party for dying children.

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On this fun show (2 parts), @iregretjumping and @criefaux join as we call hotels and run a special trivia show called Inn-Telligence, where the front desk just needs to answer 3 simple trivia questions to win a pizza and ice cream party for dying children.

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In this episode I:

  • look to dispose of room sand;
  • pan for gold in the hotel sewage system;
  • thank the hotel for the complimentary suitcase full of women's clothing they left outside my door;
  • try to coordinate bathing in the pool;
  • Resign from my position from a bunch of hotels, because I'm insulted that nobody even knows my name or that I work there.

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Late show! On this show I:

  • try to rent spaces, from a biblically speaking point of view;
  • Pretend to be a journalist and try to get people to confirm insane quotes they supposedly said for my upcoming article.
  • My volunteer valet service that gives convicts a second chance, Cons for Cars, (thanks @iregretjumping) somehow loses a Porsche;
  • Coordinate leaving refrigerators in people's parking lots while I go on vacation.

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I’ll add a description later.

Thanks @animegurl304 for the numbers

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  • I'll add more to this later.
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I try out lots of new ideas on this show:

  • Calling up liquor stores from the Take A Wish Foundation, trying to grant a dying 10-year-old's wish to get blackout drunk in his store.
  • I'll add more to this later.
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Hooboy 3 fun, pun-filled premises tonight and all caught lots of fish:

  • Calling hotels to ask about ladpads, manpons and other male sanitary hygeine products.

  • Calling businesses to ask what is REALLY going on in the Employees Only room, with @doglettuce.

  • Calling pet stores to buy doggie condoms or other reprodogtion pawphylactic pawducts. We also called dog trainers to see if they will train my dog to pull out so I don't need to neuter him. Funny idea @bread336!

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