Prank call shows, with friends

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On this offensive, and mostly tax-themed episode I try the following premises:

  • Calling people and immediately yelling PRANKED, because damn did i prank those idiots good. People fell right for my prank trap. Losers.
  • Calling up taxi-services and taxidermists to get help with my taxes.
  • Calling up taxidermists, to get my body stuffed and mounted with animatronics when I die. Thanks @despicabledogs!
  • Calling up places with my blind translation service aids @doglettuce and @greenimp.
  • Calling up places and swapping places with my brother Johnthanon (@doglettuce) every time they asked a question, to drive them crazy.
  • Also Fraink Katz, Sr. joined for part of the show as we called more tax services, so he could find some hot young tax honeys to ask to go out for an ice cream soda pop. At one point a hot tax honey asked his name, and he replied "It's Frank Katz, but you can call me Daddy" and I think I spit soda all over my screen. Damn it Frank.
    and more!

Thanks to:

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Yarrr maties, on this Saint Patrick's themed episode:

  • I call liquor stores from the Take-a-Wish foundation and let them know about the DUI experience we are staging for the Take-a-Wish kids in our parking lot.
  • We end the show by hosting Lepre-Con 2025, a Leprechaun themed rave for dying children, in a hotel lobby.
  • We also played a bunch of Milkbox originail songs. That's honestly probably 50% of this show. But it was a lot of fun, I promise.

Thanks to:

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On this episode I:

  • call hotels and demand they give me a refund for the hour they stole for me during the daylight savings time switchover.
  • call hotels and tattoo parlors, pretending to be a neighboring competitor, and play very offensive (AI-generated) diss track about their business, that I say is slated to play on the radio (hattip @namesakejake and @phonelosers)

Thanks to:

  • j and @skibomonster for joining as Patreons
  • everyone who contributed song and call suggestions
  • all Patreons
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On this episode I generate some hilarious AI songs, and try the following call premises:

  • Trying to get permission to bring my therapy skunk into the hotel (Kudos @pewpewrun)
  • Gaslamping the front desk that it was not against the rules for my service animal to smoke in the room, so why was I fined?
  • Making people listen to me freestyle rap
  • Generating AI jingles about polarizing topics (like Trump's war on DEI), and making it include mention of the call recipient in the lyrics. Then convincing them it was running as a national advertisement.

Thanks to:

  • everyone who submitted hilarious ideas in chat
  • @iregretjumping for stealing the kudos award spotlight from needy people. Again.
  • @Omnom for becoming a Patreon
  • all the other Patreons who help support the site
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What a fun Saturday night! First @phonelosers hosted @theCallective and that had an amazing turnout. Then I went and did a variety show, featuring some prank calls, an appearance of Fraink, and most fun: some hilarious AI generated songs. We made a bunch live songs during the show using, with help from chat.

Here are some of my favorites created last night:

I plan to do these regularly! This was so much fun.

Thanks to @andyanderson and @gretagarbage for hanging out on air during the show. And thanks to @iregretjumping for hogging all of tonight's kudos awards. So selfish.

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I usually skip this part.

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This is a Hit or Miss episode. If you're only allowed 183 episodes, perhaps skip this one!

  • On this episode I convinced people that I was a private eye under cover in their dumpster on a stake-out, and asked them to send me a roll of toilet paper.
  • I also convinced someone to attach GPS trackers to cars in their parking lot for me.
  • Then we had Fraink join the show to book spray tans for him so he looks good at his upcoming funeral.

Thanks to

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Trying out a new show format to augment the normal Milk Box Show which will continue Mondays at 7. This show will feature an unscripted AI bot named Fraink Katz, Sr, a grumpy WW2 veteran, looking for love in all the wrong places. On tonight's episode, Fraink looked to get tattoos, but only if it was done by a "nice skirt" (his words).

At the end of the episode, I also do some traditional calls as well, so Fraink can get to sleep.

I'm still working out the show details and Fraink's kinks, so expect the first few to have some rough edges while I work out the best possible format and tools to use.

Thanks to @iregretjumping for the show title and @ionlysmile for the patreon donation!


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I have a friend's wedding tonight. I'd write some kind of humorous excuse, but there's nothing funny about marriage.

Makeup show on Tuesday!

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This clip show celebrating 3 years of Prankcast was a ton of fun!

Note: This features calls from many different hosts, so includes graphic/explicit material on some of the calls.

Thanks to:

Y'all rock!

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Happy 3rd Birthday Prankcast! Birthday show tonight after Callective

Very special clip show tonight after the Callective ends (assume not before 9pm EST) from Prankcast hosts who submitted clips.

Thanks for 3 great years!

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We call up random front desks and have them participate in a trivia show where dying Take-a-Wish kids get a pizza and ice cream party if they can just answer 3 simple questions with help from our panel.

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